Did the 'ndrangheta use to 'protect' Calabrians in Australia? (Part I, most likely)

Once upon a time there was a legend going around, which forever would have helped mafia organisations with their branding.

The legend said - says - that what made the mafia any different from any group of common thugs was its honoured character. The Society was/is honoured because it protects  its own, including its community, when the state doesn't seem interested, when the church is corrupted, when the people are left to fend for themselves. Mafias protect the marginalised. 

The belief of the mafia as a protector for marginalised community is a lie but - like every legend - contains some element of truth. 

It all eventually depends on what we mean by 'protection' and who's feeling or being protected (or not). 

And I want to say it straight away: we should not judge the people who accepted 'ndrangheta protection or were manipulated into it. Like in every abusive relation, there are perpetrators and victims, even when the victims are not all the way *innocent*.

Griffith, New South Wales, Australia. In the 1970s men identified later as belonging to the 'ndrangheta were organising the production and wholesale of cannabis

Back in the days there was protection by the 'ndrangheta to its own and beyond.


Protection did come in terms of support, in life and in business, as long as it allowed informality. Informality in fact means lack of accountability, which allows flexibility

"The Winery complex, which is a modern and elaborate construction, has been conservatively valued in excess of $1 million. It seems to have been financed with cash funds from unknown sources. Capital expenditure funds have come from cash flow and family interests in Italy. (...)  An example of organizational funding can be seen in the "loans" by RT to AS." 


These "loans" were unsecured, had no documentary support and, as

at June, 1978, none of the total amount had been repaid. There was no provision for the payment of interest and, in fact, RT said that he "...would not charge him (AS) interest".


The situation in relation to these "loans" appears to be ludicrous. The money "lent" by RT is constantly being eroded by inflation, yet, this erosion is not being offset by arrangements for the payment of interest on the "loans". If it were to be accepted that these "loans" were made because of friendship between RT and AS and RT did not want to make any personal gain through the charging of interest, it is inconceivable to visualize RT, allegedly a businessman, making a virtual gift of a sum in excess of $35,000 per annum (as the loan presently stands at 10 per cent per annum interest) to AS by failing to charge interest. 

Obviously, the answer lies in the premise that these payments are not in fact "loans" but constitute the introduction of organizational funds into the Winery, so that the question of interest to offset inflationary erosion does not arise."


Protection for the 'ndrangheta was always transcontinental, aimed at taking care of families in different parts of the planet, as long as it was traceable. 

"At least two beneficiaries, a brother and a sister, Francesco B. and

Giuseppina S., both living in Griffith, claimed to have received $48,000 each from their estate·in Platì. From admissions in records of interview, there are at least six children in the B. family. Statements of this kind tend to tax credulity when it is realized that government information sources put the average *yearly* income for this area of Calabria at $526."


Protection was always transactional and circular

"Evidence has been received in relation to financial assistance being rendered to the arrested "front men". This assistance, which has come from organizational funds, has varied in individual cases (dependent probably on "rank") and seems to involve three phases, viz.-

( l ) Cash provided for immediate bail.

(2) Funds supplied for the retention of legal representation.

(3) Financial assistance (by way of reward) either prior to or after conviction.

 In rendering this financial assistance, the organization has endeavoured to ensure a guarantee of silence from the "front men" in relation to a specific marihuana operation. This reasoning has certainly· been effective, for law enforcement has been unable to penetrate the upper structure".



Protection was the cause while omertà, lies, or silence were the effects, not the other way around. Omertà, lies, or silence are not just out of fear or collusion, but out of gratitude. Gratitude is an important element to understand the 'ndrangheta and in general mafia persistence

****Gratitude should not be judged as immoral just because it appears in this setting, as much as it is human****

 "Instead, investigating Police have been met with silence or accounts which obviously were liesThe attitude dispalyed by the arrested "front men" may have been because:

(1) they feared retribution; or

(2) there was a sense of loyalty to the organization; or

(3) the organization had fulfilled its "contract" by providing financial support;


(4) they were paid to guarantee their silence". 


When silence was secured from within families, protection meant often manipulation and emotional blackmail. Protection of the 'ndrangheta towards its own often leveraged a sense of familiarity and even more a call for empathy of common struggles.

"K. replied that TS had been there, that he knew him and he definitely

was there. To this YTS replied:

"I am not trying to make you tell lies or change your mind but I think you might have seen someone who looked like him." When K. replied that he was sure, YST said:

"Look, mate, TS has just started up in business. He has a young family and is only battling. This could ruin him. Plus, wasn't his niece with him?"



Yes, back in the days there was protection by the 'ndrangheta to its own and beyond. Protection was never interest-free. It was aimed at preserving the business and a few of the apical men. Preservation of the business drove protection, not the other way around.

"To the people of Griffith who were without first hand knowledge of what was going on, the circumstances were highly suspicious, Persons such as GS who were associated with the organization knew what was going on.

It was certain that GS knew what was going on and· in particular that he knew of the involvement of such persons as B., S., G,, P., AS and RT.

 It was unlikely that members of his family, either descendant or laterally related, did not know-this would therefore include his sons and sons-in-law. They could not accept his acquisitions of wealth without inquisitiveness. He knew that the organization was, by its tactics, standing over F. to lie about the $70,000 that was produced at Fairfield. He knew that F. was frightened, no doubt because of threats made to him, to tell the truth about the situation and he would know that others were afraid to assist the Commission because of the fear· of retribution".



In the name of protection the 'ndrangheta in Australia killed.

Q. Had you, since your arrival in Australia heard of any organized criminal activities within the Italian community?

A. Yes.

Q: Are you still understanding this?

A. Yes.

Q. Can you give an example of any of them?

A. Yes .

Q. Can you give any example by reference to some Victorian markets


A. Yes.

Q. Would you describe what your understanding of that was?

A. I understand that all the agents of the markets that were selling vegetables were shooting each other for money or they shot somebody for money.

Q. Is that shooting themselves or shooting each other?

A. Shooting each other.

Q. Have you heard of people being hurt in what was described as accidents?

A. I heard that some had been hurt and even dead.

Q. When B. told you the things you have told us about and threatened

you, did you believe that you could do anything about it at all?

A: Yes, I believed it.

Q. Well, putting it shortly, was this the position; you did not go to the police because you were frightened of B.?

A. Of B. because I was thinking that by dealing with such sort of thing that would cost a million, they would be ready to kill anybody.

Q. Ready to kill you? 

A. They could kill myself, they could destroy my family." 

9th of June 1978, NSW - a witness 


Protection at-all-costs eventually becomes a justification for boosting reputation and a matter of survival.

"I have elsewhere expressed the conclusion that the disappearance of Donald Bruce Mackay was probably effected by or on behalf of an organization or persons because he represented a threat to their illicit activities. Another possibility is that it was done as a warning to a member, unidentified by the organization but believed responsible for supplying to Mackay the information which appeared to have led to the arrests at Coleambally and Euston"


Indeed, the belief of the mafia as a protector for its community is a lie but - like every legend - contains some element of truth. 

It all eventually depends on what we mean by 'protection' and who's feeling or being protected (or not). 


Protection of Calabrians in Australia - in the Griffith example - was indeed selective; it was transitory; it was short-term; it could be taken away if conditions changed; it was self-serving.

When protection came from within families it was not (just) out of *love* and *affection*, but also aimed at silencing and shutting down possible rebellions or disputes. It was enforced via manipulation

'Ndrangheta protection exploited the humanity of gratitude for help or support received and it turned into bond and debt. Again, emotional blackmail.

I say it again: we should not judge the people who accepted 'ndrangheta protection or were manipulated into it. Like in every abusive relation, there are perpetrators and victims, even when the victims are not all the way *innocent*.


Thanks for reading! 

I will reflect more on this issue of protection of community by the 'ndrangheta in Australia. 

In the meanwhile, let me know what you think in comments below (also anonymously, but please politely, or I'll just ignore it). Did it impact you somehow? Made you think? Or not?

Text and Photos © Anna Sergi


  1. A manipulative and self-serving "protection" that you explained very well,sometimes more scary than a tough approach. Very interesting, thank you.

    1. I appreciate your endorsement very much! Thanks!

  2. Fantastic piece Anna. I can’t recall exact where I found it, but I remember reading an account of a Calabrian tomato farmer who couldn’t speak English. He was delighted when several of his “friends” decided to help him sell his produce at the markets in Melbourne. This supposedly continued for decades without the farmer realising he was getting paid a fraction of what his produce was worth.

    It’s interesting that you use the Platí centric Griffith example, especially with what’s gone on in recent years with the 2017 report from the Wine Grapes Marketing Board and some of the questionable practices of certain companies. Since you’re not using surnames here, neither will I.

    In some of the content i produce (and trust me Anna, I know we are not at all doing the same thing lol) I often get comments of people talking about the “good old days” when the “mafia” took care of everyone. It’s….interesting.

  3. In your last sentence lies the answer to your question Steve: I use Griffith and the 1970s because that is where this narrative first emerged in Australia and I believe that recalling the old days and how the narrative wrongly formed already breaks down some of the mythology! Thanks as always for your support!


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